

Daniela Zambrano Almidón


She is a Peruvian Quechua researcher and interdisciplinary artist with experience in decolonial art projects and research on Andean culture in Peru, migrant groups, memory culture, cultural management, mediation, intercultural pedagogy and participatory art. She works with communities and environmental and cultural activists. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Fine and Plastic Arts, specializing in Sculpture and Interdisciplinary Arts. She is currently finishing her master’s degree with a documentary on cultural heritage restitution at the Institute for Art in Context at the Berlin University of the Arts.



Participatory community and intercultural textile.

This textile takes the form of "Flower" an important element for the indigenous imaginary. An element - Being, that for the Andean and Amazonian cosmovision represents order of life, fertility and ancestral femininity. An element-Being in communion with botany, medicine, memory and representation.

She constructed this textile piece through artistic mediation and collective creation, which began through dialogues, memories and reencounters with our own ethnic roots and thinking of ourselves as a weaving. A weaving of fabrics that harbor memories, and that emancipate from our own self-constructed spaces, self-managed from ethnic vulnerability, on the margins of cultural recognition in the big city.

This piece is composed of cooperation and common dialogue with women with whom we share affectivities, family relationships and friendships, women from the Ande and the Amazon and the Peruvian Andes migrants by displacement in Lima, the gray.

Coming from the Shipiba community of Cantagallo, Olga Mori, textile teacher and Shipibo healer, who sang iccaros and performed the mediation, Yarakelina Chavez, Olga's niece who made the Shipibo painting and embroidery pieces that are at the ends of the flower, both from the community of Callería, Pucallpa. Also participating were the women of her family, Natividad Ayquipa, her grandmother, Maria Rosa Almidón, her aunt, Mavel Almidón, her mother from the Chanka diaspora, Aymaraes Apurímac and Antolina Celestino, her other grandmother and Miriam Zambrano, her closest aunt, from the Huanuqueña diaspora of the Andean Amazon. They collaborated and accompanied her in this textile process by crocheting the flowers that make up the fractal and symbolize the multiplicity and union of women.

This is a flower that reveals the leaves of the trees, the waves of the water, the lines of the veins of the body, the lines of our hair, the lines of our river paths. The intense color of birds, flowers, and fruits of our great natural biodiversity that still resists the neocolonial predation machine.

The infinity of fractals turned into textiles possessed of dots and forms, such as writing itself is composed. A writing of life in the macro and micro universe of the universal fabric. This is what we are Flor y Canto.

A special thanks to Ukukupacha, the entrails of Pachamama, to my dear friend and teacher César Ramos Arana, amauta, culture manager, chichero and stubborn cholo, who unites us in friendship and complicity among all bloods.


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